Project Proposal

Senior Project Proposal
Priya Ramaiah
December 14, 2012

      I.         Title of Project:
Giving for Good: Funding and Managing a Nonprofit Organization

    II.         Statement of Purpose:
Give for Good is legally a nonprofit, but the real work is yet to begin. The purpose of this project is to get this 501(c)3 organization off the ground, beginning with researching and executing fundraising projects and culminating in a long-term business plan for the organization that encompasses planning, marketing, organization, and, above all, giving.

  III.         Background:
                Community service has always been a part of my life, but the value of an official nonprofit organization with the ability to give donors tax deductions can take charitable efforts to a new level. I grew up seeing my father take frequent business trips to locations all over the world. Medical companies would often fly him to conferences first class. While these expensive plane tickets were certainly a pleasant luxury, the price difference between coach and first class, often thousands of dollars, seemed wasteful. By giving up just a few hours of comfort, one businessman could save enough money to supply an elementary school in a 3rd world country. Suppose that businessman could elect to give up his luxury ticket for a good cause? A properly run and managed nonprofit organization would be an extremely effective way of making a difference in the long-term.
IV.           Prior Research:
There is extensive information on how to create and manage nonprofit organizations; however, the reallocation of company travel funds is not an idea I have come across anywhere else. I hope to delve more into the mechanics of operating a nonprofit and determining the most effective method of fundraising.

     V.         Significance:
The difference between even just one first class ticket and an economy ticket is substantial. If I am able to convince a company or businessperson to reallocate this money, the humanitarian impact could be significant. Using these funds to obtain school supplies or food for the needy is a worthy cause and a unique method of fundraising that could open doors and ideas of other people and companies. Allowing myself to focus on this effort for an extended period of time would most likely produce better results, and I don’t see myself having another 3 months to spare in the immediate future.
I plan to use my senior project time to structure Give for Good and settle on a long-term plan to serve the community, as well as using any funds gained to serve the Lion Cub Orphanage for the deaf and dumb in Shirdi, India.

   VI.         Description:
I would devise at least three different service and/or fundraising projects and work on executing them to see which is the most effective. I would also create a detailed business plan that could structure Give for Good.

 VII.         Methodology:
1)    Research and design different fundraising projects
2)    Execute Project 1(reallocation of corporate travel funds)
3)    Execute Project 2 (event)
4)    Execute Project 3 (TBD)
5)    Gather data
6)    Analyze success of projects (using specific numbers/stats)
7)    Work on business plan for organization using gathered data
8)    Appendix: how money was used, how much impact was made

VIII.         Problems:
The problem with the Give for Good idea is that businesspeople may not want to give up first class tickets and companies may not want to reallocate funds, in which case I would have to think of another way to raise funds and build the foundation and hope that other projects are successful. Hopefully, these projects will culminate in a long-term goal and an effective business plan.

   IX.         Bibliography:
·       Effective letters: 50 of the best model letters to help community organisations fundraise, connect, lobby, organise & influence.. Melbourne: Our Community Pty. Ltd., 2007. Print.
·       Greenfield, James M. The nonprofit handbook,. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley, 2001. Print.
·       Hopkins, Bruce R.. Starting and managing a Nonprofit Organization: a legal guide. 3rd ed. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 2001. Print.
·       Mutz, John Massie, and Katherine Murray. Fundraising for dummies. Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide, 2000. Print.
·       Webster, Darryl. How to successfully start a grassroots nonprofit organization. Washington, D.C.: Achievement USA Corp., 2006. Print.

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