Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Basis of my BASIS Senior Project

Welcome to my blog! This site will document my adventures in navigating the world of nonprofit management and organization during the three months of senior year.

I recently founded the Give for Good Foundation, Inc to help underprivileged children, especially those with limited access to education. Though Give for Good is now legally a nonprofit (finally!), the real work is yet to begin. The purpose of this project is to get this 501(c)3 organization off the ground, beginning with researching and executing fundraising and service projects and culminating in a long-term business plan for the organization that encompasses planning, marketing, organization, and, above all, giving. I hope to travel to India and use the results of my labor to make a tangible impact.

Community service has always been a part of my life, but the value of an official nonprofit organization with the ability to give donors tax deductions can take charitable efforts to a new level. A properly run and managed nonprofit organization would be an extremely effective way of making a difference in the long-term.

I'm very excited to embark on this project and cannot wait to get started! Be sure to follow this blog for regular updates on my progress.

Thanks for reading!